espresso recipe:120/158 (0.44 g/ml)

Step 4

Make your coffee

Brew Guide
Grind Setting:223 μm
Temp:93 c
Flair 58 Temp:3
Dose:17 g
VST Basket:18 g
Yield:56 g
Shot time:35 s
Cup size:170ml or 6oz (teal)
Bypass:23 ml
Steamed Milk:91 ml
Roast Level
Density Range:24 %
Drop Temperature:200 c
Roast Name:Light/Light City
VIDEO How to make espresso right first time, every time
Step 5

Taste it

Most of the time it will be right first try. Sometimes it will need adjustment.All you need to decide is:
  1. Is it too sour, like lemon. In this case you need to extract more.
  2. Is OK, you dont need to change anything. Some refer to this as the sweet spot, but coffee doesnt actually contain sugar so think of this as the calm between too sour and too bitter.
  3. Is it too bitter. All coffee is bitter to some extent but you can reduce the bitterness by extracting less.
Step 6


If the coffee is too sour
if the coffee is too bitter

How to Store Coffee Beans - 9 Tips


espresso 0.440

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richard.c.mayston Solution Architect
Under-extracted coffee is sour, and over-extracted coffee is bitter. Different degrees of extraction are required for different roast levels, which correlate most strongly with density. The recipe series is a practical tool that empowers you to navigate by taste and resolve sour or bitter coffee issues. It provides a full range of extraction tools for any method of coffee extraction, putting you in control of your coffee's flavor.

1 thought on “espresso 0.440”

  1. Richard Mayston

    Outliers: Luz Mila – Cinnamon Fermentation
    Vendor: Atomic
    Density (roasted): 0.44
    Score: 70
    Monolith Flat Max: 5.25
    Coffee Reference: Colombia
    Region: Gaitania, Tolima
    Variety: Caturra
    Altitude: 1700 – 1900 masl
    Process: Washed
    Atomic Coffee Roasters
    Home › Coffee › Outliers: Luz Mila – Cinnamon Fermentation
    Atomic Coffee Roasters
    Outliers: Luz Mila – Cinnamon Fermentation

    The Outliers single origin series is a bold exploration in taste and technique.

    Every special release begins with the search for a rare and intriguing coffee, often taking us to lesser-known plantations in emerging markets around the globe.

    Once we find our standout – something that truly deserves ‘outlier status’ – we ship a limited quantity of green beans back to Atomic HQ in Kingsland, Auckland. With a little time and patience, our roasting crew delicately tease out the subtleties, flavours and textures that make each micro-lot a one-of-a-kind sensory experience.

    Deep in the mountains of Tolima, hours from anywhere, lies Finca El Oasis – a small, unassuming farm. Owned and run by Luz Mila and her three kids, their modest business is now on the cusp of something exciting… and starting to turn heads in the world of premium micro-lot coffees.

    The farm benefits from rich, fertile soils provided by the nearby live volcano, Nevado Del Huila. This setting, along with Luz Mila’s care and attention, results in a full and desirable cherry. However, it was the farm’s experimental process that really caught our eye.

    The coffee is exposed to dry anaerobic fermentation with added tartaric acid and fresh cinnamon for 30 hours, before being pulped. The beans are then laid on raised beds and dried to an exacting moisture content. It’s a pioneering method that evokes gentle cinnamon flavours, to complement the notes of custard apple and snickerdoodle.

    We’re proud to showcase Luz Mila’s produce, which we hope will also bring the recognition and good fortune the family deserves. We hope you like it too.

    Gaitania, Tolima


    1700 – 1900 masl

    Cinnamon Washed

    Cinnamon, Custard Apple
    & Snickerdoodles
    Atomic Coffee Roasters

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