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Choosing the ultimate espresso recipe isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Embrace the diversity of espresso by exploring a range of recipes tailored to different roast levels.
If you under-extract coffee, it is sour. If you over-extract coffee, it is bitter. Perfecting your extraction recipe is the secret to crafting a delightful espresso beverage.
This particular espresso recipe is one in a series of 120 recipes, mathematically generated to be effective for every roast level. The Dialling in Process can now use your taste buds to move up or down the scale of recipes, resulting in you finding the best-tasting recipe for your coffee.
This recipe can be used for any espresso based drink, latte, cappuccino, flat white, long black, short black, americano, cortado, you name it. Technically, they are all double espressos. Once you have discovered how to make good tasting coffee, you may need less of the chocolate syrup.
Espresso recipe:121/121 (0.450 g/ml)
ESPRESSO RECIPE:121/121 (0.450 G/ML)
gmThis is the 'Medium/American' roast-level recipe. There is a less than 10% chance this will be the right recipe for your roast level (unless you measured the density). It is simply the middle recipe with the least steps in either direction. Expect to have to try another recipe based on the taste test.
15 gm VST Basket
9 bar Pressure
40 s Shot time
150 ml Cup size
30 ml Bypass water
89 ml Steamed milk
200 μm Grind setting
95 °C Temperature
14 gm Dose
56 gm Yield
- Pre-heat your espresso machine, portafilter, basket, and coffee cup
- Get your 14 grams of coffee in a single dose out of the freezer. If you are not single-dosing and freezing your coffee, read How to Store Coffee Beans - 9 tips. While at it, read Best Coffee Beans - Six Purchasing Tips. Shots of espresso these days are nearly always a double shot of espresso. Double shots are now the standard in America and many places worldwide. A single shot of espresso is very rare. Traditionally, a single shot (solo) of espresso uses about 7g of espresso-fine grounds. If you want to make a single, pull a double, but use a split portafilter to halve the shot for you.
- Use RDT by giving them a spritz of water and stirring them. This reduces static electricity, clumping, retention and waste and produces stronger flavours (read the paper).
- Grind your frozen coffee; do not defrost it. Using a dosing funnel, grind it into the right-sized basket in a naked portafilter.
- Puck prep: I use a WDT tool to break up clumps and redistribute them. I also use a levelling tool and a levelling palm tamper. Then, I cover it with a shower screen to help evenly distribute the water.
- Place scales under your cup and tare, and start the timer.
- Ramp up to 9 bar pressure. Pre-infusion (pause till first drip) is only required if the beans are super fresh (say within 2 days of roast) and are degassing so much that extraction is being affected - pretty unlikely, so you probably don't need it. Watch the bottom of the naked portafilter with a mirror, ease of momentarily if you see spritzing. Allow the pressure to decline to 6 bars to maintain a constant flow rate. Stop the shot when the target yield has been achieved. The extraction time should be roughly 40 seconds. You must grind coarser if the shot runs very slowly despite high pressure. If the shot has run too fast and you cannot maintain pressure, you need to grind finer.
- Now, the most important step. Before adding milk, stir the expresso and crema, and then taste the wet spoon (you don't need a spoonful). Is the coffee sour? If so, next time you make this coffee, extract more using the recipe indicated by the button above.
- If the coffee is not sour, ask yourself if it is very bitter. This is more difficult because all coffee is bitter to some extent. However, you can reduce bitterness by extracting less. Go too far, and it will turn sour. You are looking for the calm spot in between. Just above sour will taste the best. If you need to reduce bitterness next time you make this coffee, extract less by using the recipe indicated by the button above.
- Add the bypass hot water (optional). This reduces the blanket of milk and increases the apparent strength of the coffee while keeping the volume up.
- Add the steamed milk. Espresso con panna (whipped cream) may be a little OTT, but adding 5-10ml of cream to your milk before steaming can help get the texture right for that latte art and help make a perfect espresso.
Recipe Video
- Don't get hung up on the details. If you can't change your pressure, maybe you don't have a full set of baskets, you don't know what that grind size even means. It doesn't matter. Providing you are changing the dose, the yield, the ratio, the bits you can, you will be changing the TASTE, and that is what matters. YOU are finding a RECIPE that tastes better than the last recipe you tried.
Freezer storagePot u0026 Screw Cap 70ml
Measuring cylinderGraduated Cylinder, 100ml
Digital scalesAcaia Lunar
Cup sizesClassic Range Cappuccino Cup (190ml)
Espresso machineFlair 58
Milk steamerBellman CX25P
VST Precision basketVST Precision Filter Baskets
WDT ToolSworksdesign WDT Tool
TamperHappy Tamper
Knock box and Tamp stationThe Bloc Espresso Knock Box + Tamp Station
Steaming u0026 Frothing Milk PitcherJoe Frex Steaming u0026 Frothing Milk Pitcher
Lower shower screenBPlus Lower shower screen
Milk thermometerRhino Long Thermometer
GrinderKafaTek Monolith Flat MAX
An example of coffee I'm drinking
Colombia Julio Madrid Nitro Watermelon
Colombia uniquely offers a diverse array of coffee varieties and processing methods. Known for innovation and resilience, Colombia’s coffee history dates back to the early 19th century, with smallholder farmers being key contributors. Despite challenges like weather and conflict, Colombia consistently produces high-quality specialty coffee. For over a decade years, we’ve partnered with both large and small-scale producers from all five main growing zones, fostering close relationships and friendships.
Caturra is a natural mutation that occurred of Bourbon. Since its discovery in Brazil, it has spread throughout Latin America and is now the benchmark of specialty coffee. It would be an easy case to make to say that Caturra is the workhorse of coffee varieties. But then, you’d have to call a workhorse delicious, and that would be pretty weird.
Colombia has a unique harvest schedule, thanks to the varied topography and proximity to the equator. Between those two variables, Colombia harvests nearly year round across the five main coffee growing regions. Each region has fairly reliable harvest times that conveniently stagger, providing fresh crop coffee all year round.
Anaerobic Washed
This washed process coffee is fermented in the fruit, undergoing 36 hours of limited oxygen fermentation, followed by depulp and a quick channel washing. The parchment coffee is then dried for approximately twenty days on raised beds and patios. The processing impact in the final cup is noticeable, with flavor heavily indicating fruit-forward signs of fermentation within the overall cup profile.
This coffee undergoes mixed fermentation, followed by depulping and channel washing. The steps of this fermentation include sixty-hour fermentation in a tank, along with an additional fermentation within a sealed tank under pressure and inoculates. The processing impact in the final cup is noticeable, with flavor indicating fruit-forward signs of fermentation within the overall cup profile.
Raised-Bed Dried
Raised-beds are scaffold like structures that elevate perforated trays that hold coffee parchment or cherries. The holes in the structure allow for airflow on a near 360 degree level, ensuring that the coffee dries evenly when proper bed turning is practices. Some even go as far as covering the beds with a partial block from the sun, which extends drying and ensures the cell structure of the coffee goes largely undamaged from the UV.
Diedrich CR-35
Prior to production, each roast goes through a rigorous dial-in process, where we fine-tune our temperature curves. We roast to tight tolerances, with no more than 1° deviation from target temperatures, ensuring quality and consistency in each batch.
Expressive Light
Nordic-style roasting is a moniker applied to the very light roasting style that many employ in Northern Europe. We’ve opted to refer to this as Expressive Light. Seldomly do we apply such little development; however, if a coffee falls within this category, you can expect a bright acidity that dominates the cup, as well as a silky but tea-like tactile and a sweetness that is light and short.
1188 LBS
Day after day, producers, roasters, and cuppers alike all spend countless hours of work to produce and roast small, traceable lots that we within specialty coffee call microlots. Ranging anywhere from a few lbs to many pallets, this nebulous category refers to a traceable single-origin, producer or even specific picking date. Is all that hard work keeping things separate worth it? That is up for you to decide…
Filter, Espresso
Our Education Team, guided by a commitment to quality, uses a blend of sensory skills and technology to brew the best coffee in our cafes and brew guides. We strive for vibrant and mouthwatering acidity, complex and approachable flavor, persistent and clear sweetness, and structured and pleasant mouthfeel, ensuring you’re getting the best coffee experience. is not for profit. It is the result of my research and development, freely shared in the hope it will help others.
I only endorse equipment I have purchased myself, and I do not earn a commission or have any links to the companies I recommend.
I have a dream
- it might raise the standard of coffee-making globally
- It might reduce dialling in waste, time, and frustration
- It might encourage people to explore more varieties and pay more attention to the producers.
- You might be prepared to pay more for better coffee if they please you, returning more money to growers.